Friday, April 4, 2008

IT Sales: What is Your Unique Offering?

Each company has some unique aspect that makes it different from the rest of their competitors. & 39; Order to effectively reach your customers, you must determine what your offer is unique. For example, if you are close to many businesses, then your vicinity is your best advantage - you can do things faster and cheaper than & 39; No matter who d & 39;.

Back Up Your Benefits

When you want to give benefits to support them in & 39; examples & 39; aid and guarantees. For example, given the & 39; example above, you might guarantee d & 39; arrive within 60 minutes of a server & 39; arrested d & 39; emergency during normal business hours d & 39; opening. You could offer $ 100 off their monthly bill if you are even a minute late - Now, c & 39; is a guarantee! And, you will probably never lose money on the & 39; it because you are there.

Survey customers

You also want to survey the local companies to see which ones are interested in the services and what areas they need help in. & 39; In order to obtain d & 39; l & 39; inquiry return, you may want to offer a free gift, a gift card for a dozen bagels coffee across the street or & 39; a needs analysis for free they & 39; s return.

Your inquiry should ask questions such as: How many

computers & 39; are you?

employees & 39; How many do you have?

How do you obtain your support & 39; aujourd hui?

Qu & 39; do you like and not like & 39; n talk?

What is your number one business challenge today & 39; hui?

What is your number one challenge IT?


Using people like UPS or FedEx guy or delivery of pizza, the same guy, you can actually & 39; network of a community. You can learn more about the other companies and they can learn more about yourself through these familiar faces. They can often give you advice about who may need assistance & 39;.

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