Friday, April 4, 2008

Buy a Cheap Laptop or a Cheap Desktop?

Should I buy a cheap laptop or a cheap desktop? You may find you are asking this question many times while shopping for a computer. This guide gives you the pros and cons have a laptop to a desktop PC. Comparing the speed of processing speed, laptops mostly behind their desktop counterparts. With the rapid advances in microchip technology, the gap between them is narrowing. Wireless laptops most notably with mobile Intel chips come with wireless technology out of the box. This means that you can online from anywhere in the home, with no ugly wires, if you have a wireless network setup at home. Desktop units not included in the rule that function out of the box, although that may change in the near future. Memory chip memory tends to be more expensive than desktop and laptop units. If you have a laptop with less than 512 MB of RAM, prepare to pay more than for memory upgrades have you with a desktop PC. Graphic display Due to the size of a laptop, most business or entry-level laptop use integrated graphics with limited RAM. This means that most laptops even some expensive can not run graphics-intensive applications and 3D games, as well as a desktop PC. With a desktop PC, you can buy a dedicated graphics card intended only to a graphics-intensive applications. Portability portability is the reason why everyone wants these days a laptop. Because of their size and weight, it is easier with a laptop around, as opposed to a desktop PC. Each screen laptop buy for their portability as laptops usually not with screens as large as their desktop counterparts. The screen technology used is generally not as good as those of the desktop PC. In addition to a desktop PC, you can always upgrade to a bigger and better for laptop screen while you are stuck with the same screen display for the entire life of the laptop. Update ability laptops are not many upgrade options. You can only upgrade memory and hard disk. With Desktop, you can almost everything, and only through the motherboard. This means a cheap desktop PC offers a longer life than a laptop. So, if you buy a cheap laptop or desktop a cheap, ask yourself, what are your wishes? If you want, you can use a computer, wherever you are, you are searching for a laptop to meet your needs. However, if you do not require the portability of a laptop, play a lot of 3D games, graphic-intensive applications that you are interested, if the update ability to extend the life of your investment, then desktop PC is a smart choice for you. Charles Wee operates a free hosting service for Blogger Haven. He owns and operates a Web site at the Cheap laptop Guide offers free advice for the purchase of cheap laptops and notebooks

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